I believe that people all too often feel stuck in life. I know, I have been there. They find themselves in search of meaning or purpose and aren't sure where to start, they feel confined to the expectations of their families or society and like they will never be able to break free. They know something could change if they only had the time and money to provide them with the space to figure it out.
Well... I call Bull Sh*t!! I have experienced first hand how to transform my beliefs and begin to build a life of my dreams through the power of the breath and the sacred container created in a coaching relationship.
Now I am on a mission to share these tools I have learned to support others in doing the same.
YOU deserve to have it ALL!!
So, what are you waiting for... Let's get busy!

Wow. Absolutely amazing. I really moved a lot of energy through me just now. Your breath ceremonies are life changing. Such a beautiful gift. I can’t wait for the next one.
Brianna B.
Inspiring Lives by Design
Just one breath can change everything ...
Breathing is the one practice we do unconsciously all day long to survive.
What if that breath, with the power to fuel our bodies can also feed our souls?
What if breath could be a tool to lead us back to our the calling of our souls?
I bridge the gap between
breathwork & your business goals.
Coaching is partnering with client in a thought provoking, creative process that inspires.
The client chooses the focus of the conversation and benefits from the coach employing coaching competencies in a confidential relationship, within a formal coaching agreement, to help the client move forward with their most important, self selected goals.
The coach is aware that it is important to explore not only what the client brings to the session, but also what’s underneath her motivations.
Ontology is the study of being and Ontological Coaching focuses on Way of Being as the avenue to deep and sustainable behavioural change. Way of Being is the underlying driver of our behavior and communication and is where our perceptions and attitudes live, many of which can be restricting us but are deep seated and out of awareness.
Ontological Coaching is an explicitly holistic approach to what is required for sustainable change, working with the integration of language, emotions and body that comprise a client’s Way of Being. Language, emotions and body are each areas of learning and change and there must be shifts in all three areas for change to “stick”.